Today I really wanted a Fendi bag, the Nappa Spy Black one to be exact. But, you know, those things are expensive! So, I thought, why not try to get a really good replica? I did some digging online to figure out what makes a Fendi bag the real deal.
First, I checked out the label inside. It’s supposed to say ‘FENDI Made in Italy’. I made sure to look for that. Then there’s this serial number thing, a mix of letters and numbers. Gotta have that to make it look legit.
I also learned that real Fendi bags have this ‘FENDI’ engraving on the sides. That’s something the fake ones often mess up. And there’s a hologram tag, which is super important. Some people online were talking about what it should look like, so I made a note of that too.
The logo is a big deal. On a real Fendi, the Fs should be perfect, like, perfectly lined up. If they’re wonky, it’s a no-go. I kept that in mind while I was looking.
- Next up, the leather. Real Fendi bags use top-notch leather. I’m no expert, but I tried to feel for something that seemed high quality.
- After the 1980s, Fendi started putting serial numbers on their bags. It’s usually on a leather tag inside. I made sure to check for that too.
- I found a bag that ticked all these boxes. It had the right label, the serial number, the engraving, the hologram tag, a perfect logo, and the leather felt pretty good. I think I did a decent job!
Leather quality check
Of course, the ultimate test would be taking it to a Fendi store and having them check the hologram or this RFID tag thing. But for now, I’m pretty happy with my find. It looks and feels like the real deal, at least to me. And I didn’t have to spend a fortune, which is a win!